Broken Leaded Windows
If your Leaded Light windows have deteriorated or have been damaged, perhaps they have reached an age where during the ravages of time they have started to bow and allow the rain to come in. We have the expertise to help, we specialise in working on just this type of window. We have been repairing Leaded lights since 1972.
These problems cannot be solved by leaving the leaded Light in place, however, they have to be removed and taken to our workshop where specialist craftsmen can totally restore it in our Glass workshop. The Glass is cleaned, we then match missing panes from our large stocks and replace it where required. The whole lead window is then completely rebuilt with new lead then polished, It is then secured back into its original opening.

If your Metal windows are rusty then we can also refurbish them as well.
We are proud to specialise in traditional Leaded Light glass, we concentrate solely on Traditional Leaded Lights and refurbishing steel windows. We keep large stocks of traditional glass and metal window components. Clifford Durant A.C.R. is an Accredited Glass restorer/conservator.
- Glass Repairs
- Restoration
- Rusty metal windows
- Broken Leaded Windows
- Case Studies

The Glasshouse Studio
New Street
West Sussex
RH13 5DU
Telephone: 01403 264607
Mobile: 07860 310 138